Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday Inspiration

Every Friday, I'm going to share with you something cool that I've found online that I'm going to try to make.  This week it is DIY coasters!

Very exciting, I know.  :)  I'm going to try to make a set or 2 of these this weekend and I'll update you on how it looks on Monday.

What are some things that you're wanting to try to make?  Are you like me and you scour Pinterest for inspiration?

I hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. Ooooh! I want to play too! Those are beautiful. I will gladly purchase the entire collection if you do this. Unless of course you charge $100 a coaster. I might not be able to justify that! (Kendall) :)

  2. I'm glad you like the idea! The picture above is the one I found to inspire me to make them, so I don't have those patterns. But I bought a book of scrapbook paper of really cute designs. I can stop by your office and let you pick out what you'd like. I was thinking like $5 for 4 coasters. :)
